Motivational awareness

It’s a good idea for teachers to strive to always be aware of the overall motivation levels in class and respond appropriately, being willing make modifications where/when need be. The encouragement of healthy attitudes, enthusiasm, enjoyment, creativity and stimulation will create a motivating environment and an atmosphere that your students can excel in. Motivation influences the quality of the dancers physical training, mental state, emotional & creative expressiveness and even lifestyle choices. High motivation produces preparedness and the optimization of skills. Evidence of high motivation in your students is witnessed as expressions of high energy and enthusiasm to put forth their best in class and/or performance. Causes for low motivation can be as diverse as the individuals in your class and oftentimes, low motivation has roots in personal self-esteem issues. Signs of low motivation levels in your students can include reduced interest in class lessons, poor attendance, diminished efforts to excel or lack of clarity of goals. When I notice recurring signs of low motivation in a student I address my observations with the student discreetly and with a supportive attitude. Most times, conversing with the student will illuminate the issues and open doorways to solutions.

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