Gaining the most from your workshop experience

© Carrie Konyha,

There are lots of great bellydance events happening throughout the country now and many of are taking advantage of the many fabulous workshops they each have to offer.  Being well prepared will assure you gain the most out of your workshop experiences. Here are some tips to consider.

  1. Quench & Nourish yourself
    Keeping yourself hydrated & your blood sugar balanced will help assure great energy levels throughout the day so bring plenty of water with you & keep some healthy snacks in your workshop bag too.  Vitamins C & B-12 serve as great natural energy boosters. I always keep a few packs of “Emergen-C” with me to mix with my water when I need quick boost.
  1. Stay Alert
    The more refreshed & alert you can be, the more you will gain from your workshops. Pacing yourself, paying attention to your energy levels & taking good care of your bodies needs throughout the workshop day will help you to maintain a healthy, balanced level of physical stamina & mental alertness.
  1. Be kind to your feet
    Even if you don’t usually wear any kind of dance shoe or foot protection during classes, it’s a good idea to use some extra support when you are taking several hours of workshops within a day. Wearing some kind of lightweight dance shoe such as  Hermes or ‘Foot Undeez’ will make a big different in how your feet, lower back & knees feel at the end of the day.
  1. Keep those muscles relaxed
    Stretching before & after each workshop will help keep your body limber all day. Also, the standard Neoprene waist trimmers that are so popular today work great to keep your back muscles warm. Wear one under your clothes in between workshops to keep your torso relaxed & ready to dance.
  1. Go light on the hip gear
    The weight of coin belts can contribute to added lower back stiffness when worn for long periods of time. Wearing a lightweight, coin free hip scarf to your workshops will keep you light on your feet (and hips) from morning to night.

  1. Taking Notes
    Be sure to bring a notebook and pen with you to take notes on what you are learning in your workshops. If you don’t have time take notes during the workshop itself then take a bit of time right after the workshop to jot things down.

  1. Connect
    Workshops are a great place to meet & make new bellydance friends. Bringing a smile & a friendly attitude to your workshops will help generate a fun & playful atmosphere & encourage friendly encounters with your peers.

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