Variety in class

Bellydance classes should be uplifting, interesting and include variety. Be creative in your presentation of technique. The motivation levels of students will decline rapidly in classes that are too routine and monotonous. Mix things up so that the students’ interests are continuously stimulated as to want to learn on many levels. I make a point of including right brain/left brain or analytical/creative examples of technique explanation in my classes. Everyone learns differently. Some people are visual and learn better by following visual example. Others like things verbally broken down into a logical sequence and still others are motivated by creative visualization.

My classes are basically structured into segments including warm up, stretch, technique breakdown, drills or combinations and cool down. The structuring of segments helps my classes to flow nicely and provides a framework for consistent learning. I take care to introduce a few new elements or techniques in each class so that students are always taking in bits of new information. This keeps the motivation of the students at nice levels.

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